Attain Equilibrium
A firm massage to improve range of motion, improve function, and relieve tension throughout the body. Targeted through postural assessment client feedback, this is a must for anybody who feels unwanted tension from sports, working-out, or even sitting for too long during the day
Fire Cupping is a fantastic addition to massage therapy in which the cup lifts the tissue allowing blood flow underneath and muscles to relax as well as a host of other benefits. This will not usually be a stand-alone treatment but will be used alongside the sports massage and as always the type of treatment delivered will depend on the clients needs.
This is a treatment that can be performed on-site at an event, directly before and after, or in clinic on the day of the event. This massage warms up the muscles before an event to give you a truly invigorated feeling going up to the starting line! Post-event aids blood flow to help reduce soreness/tightness without going as deep as a traditional sports massage. Prices available on request.